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On Sibu.

By 15 May, 2010February 5th, 2021No Comments

Have to rush to Sibu today from Court despite wanting to wait and observe the heated banter between Saiful and Karpal Singh. Bumped into a few members of Parliaments at the AirAsia Departure Hall, Theresa Kok, Mustafa Ali…all geared for Sibu By-Election.

Tonight, I am supposed to give ceramah at two places, one-at Catholic High School, another at Rejang Park Ehsan Café. But before that, we visit the Permai Market to meet locals and hand out leaflets. What a surprise! Our Pakatan Rakyat team bumped into Noh Omar’s team at the market. I could tell that the fish mongers and vegetable vendors are the luckiest in that encounter.

During the ceramah, I talked about how after being under the BN reign for a long time; it is time for Sibu people to follow the foot steps of their heroic ancestors led by the legendary Rosli Dhobi who fought the colonial power and reject a government as corrupted as BN. I brought up the culture of nepotism of the Chief Minister and how the rakyat in Sarawak has to endure the economic implications such as poverty and lost of right to native customary land especially among the minority natives.

Most importantly, I wanted to remind the rakyat in Sibu on how the country’s judiciary has to bear witness to the deceit and lies in my father’s present trial concocted by the powers that be.

What can I say? The excited faces, friendly smiles and words of encouragement from the Sibu people are a testament of hope to Pakatan Rakyat that change is possible. Yes, there are skeptical and cynical smiles, but I believe we made more friends and supporters than enemies in Sibu as the by-election is coming nearer.

So, to people in Sibu, “Qing Tou, Hou Jian!”