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Tentang Isu Debat / On the Debate

By 12 January, 2011February 5th, 2021No Comments

12 Januari 2011

Keupayaan dan kemampuan untuk berdebat adalah petanda sihatnya sesebuah kerajaan, pimpinan, mahupun demokrasi itu sendiri. Kayu ukur keyakinan dan kepercayaan seseorang pemimpin terhadap dasar-dasar yang diangkat terletak pada kesanggupan pemimpin itu menyokong, mempertahan, dan berhujah di khalayak umum. Ini cukup benar di Malaysia di mana kebebasan media dan ketelusan (transparency) amatlah kurang, malahan pihak Kerajaan sendiri kelihatan seakan enggan mendebatkan isu-isu tertentu di Parlimen pun. Maka bila diambil kira kenyataan YAB Dato’ Sri Najib Razak bahawa tidak perlu bagi rakyat mengamati perbincangan dasar-dasar BN dan PR, ia memperlihatkan keangkuhan dan rasa tinggi diri pihak BN terhadap rakyat yang berhak mendengar hujah dari kedua belah pihak. Rakyat berhak mendapatkan fakta. Oleh itu, langkah terbaik buat YAB Perdana Menteri adalah untuk menerima tawaran berdebat isu ini yang amat penting buat negara kita yang tercinta. Ianya masih belum terlambat.

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai


12 January 2011

The ability and tenacity for debate is the hallmark of good governance, leadership, and democracy. The measure of a leader’s conviction and belief in his or her policies lie in the willingness to advocate, defend, and argue his or her case publicly. This is particularly true in Malaysia where free media and transparency are lacking, and where the Government appears to avoid debating certain policies even in Parliament itself. So, in light of Dato’ Sri Najib Razak’s statement that it is unnecessary for the rakyat to decide between the policies of BN and PR further illustrates arrogance and condescension towards the right of the rakyat to hear arguments from both sides. The rakyat yearns to know the facts. The right thing to do would be to accept to debate on this most important of policies for the nation. It is not too late.

Nurul Izzah Anwar
Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai